Thursday, 3 September 2015

15 Minutes of these easy activities at home can help you shift your numbers on the scale...

What you are about to look at has worked for many people especially women who have just had a baby and people who work in environments where they rarely get to move around during the day. 
What works for you? an hour in the gym or 15 minutes at home? Both can give you a hot body, but one of them is much more convenient if you’re reluctant to leave the house and work out in the comfort of your home. Is it possible to build a hotter body with 15 minutes of exercise? No. But 15 minutes of exercise every day will give you a super-hot body. Try these easy exercises for instant freshness and fitness.

1. This is performed by being in a straight position with legs hip-width apart. Grab dumbbells or weights in both hands and start the squat by bending your knees, but keeping a straight back. If the exercise is done properly, the knees should be parallel to the floor. Next, lift your body up back to initial position. Keep the feet on the floor at all times. This exercise requires 15 repetitions. It will tone your butt, thighs, calves and arms.

Now, below is what you can expect if you are consistent with your squats. Magical results right? lol...

2. For this next exercise, you need a bench to lie on. Grab the weights and hold them over your head with arms straight. Lower the weights towards your chest until they’re parallel to them. Push upwards to initial position. For this exercise, you need to do 15 repetitions. It will tone your biceps, triceps and abs.

3. To work your arms and butt, grab a pair of dumbbells and stand up straight. Bend your knees slightly and lower the torso until it’s parallel to the ground. Your arms should be straight. To begin the exercise, bend your elbows until the dumbbells get to the sides of your chest. Do a 1 second pause; then lower them back. Do at least 15 repetitions. This will tone your triceps, biceps and back muscles.

4. Crunches. Another classic exercise that’s very efficient, especially for short-timed work-outs. Like on the floor with back straight. Place your palms behind your head. Bend your knees and lift them up until they form a 90 degrees angle from the floor so the feet and lower legs are parallel with it. Lift your upper body and shoulders towards the ceiling and twist to one side where the opposite knee touches your elbow. Repeat with the other side. The other leg should stay straight. You can do repetitions one leg at a time or by switching sides. Do 15 repetitions. This will tone your butt, back muscles, abdominal muscles and legs.

Here are more crunch positions you may want to adopt as you get more comfortable

Can this be you ? after a consistent couple of weeks/months? you decide...

5. Rope jumping. While this is not your typical exercise, it’s a great way to finish the 15 minutes with a minute or two rope jumping. It’s great cardio and it burns calories, so why not? After your exercise, let your body cool down a bit by doing some stretching and you’re done.

Try these out for a couple of weeks and let us know how it goes? Good luck...

1 comment:

  1. Amaka nwankwo for assistance secretary general unizik.she is a very talented,eloquent and down to earth lady.currently she is the assistant course rep of the departmen; parasitology and entomology.from her work so far i believe she will fit in perfectly into her aspiring position.
